This wallpaper is a high-definition image of concat PNG in transparent format. The wallpaper’s original dimensions are 622x243 pixels, and the file size is 14KB. The image ID is 489340.
Image Details: The image shows a spreadsheet in Excel displaying the CONCAT function. There are multiple columns labeled 'Text 1', 'Text 2', 'Text 3', and 'Text 4', filled with various entries, including 'KTE', 'KTO', 'KTW', 'OT', and others. The 'Combine' column includes the formula that concatenates the values from the previous columns to produce 'KTEKTOKTWOT'. Below it, there are names 'Mauro', 'Claudio', and 'Coelho' listed in separate cells.
Resolution : 622x243
Title: Concat PNG - Image ID 489340
Category : transparent
Photo type : PNG
File size : 14kB
Published on : Mar 13, 2023
CopyRight : Free for personal use
TopPNG is an open platform for designers to share their favorite design files, this file is uploaded by John3, if you are the author and find this file is shared without your permission, please Contact Us.